Buying a centre console boat - what to look for

The centre console boat is well suited for use related to holiday homes, estates at the seaside, or as shorter daytrip boats. These motor boats hosts larger, practical spaces for luggage or other items.

This type of power boat can carry more people and has a wind screen in the middle or on the side. This makes this boat type slightly more windy than in a cabin cruiser boat, daycruiser or bowrider.

As a positive consequence of the layout, you get more freedom and space to move around. This often make it easier to maneuver the centre console boat alone. People often use center console motorboats for fishing and watersports like wakeboarding, water skiing, and tubing.

These type of motorboats are also easier to keep clean and keep up day-to-day maintenance. Most parts of the boat is easily accessable.

Summer morning cruising in the centre console. This is Enduro 805.


A warm, peacefull summer morning, in the midst of summer. Watch how the centre console can provide a perfect start to the day.


Explore Enduro 805

Centre Console motorboats, with and without cabin

  1. The cabin in larger centre console boats (often above 8 meters) can often be used for staying over night.
  2. The cabin or stowing space in the console of small centre console boats can function as a toilet room or just for storing luggage.
  3. The cabin of the centre console boats quickly becomes the favorite place for the kids.
  4. Some of the centre console boats can be delivered with freshwater tanks and sink/pantry.

Boat hull characteristics – what to look out for?

Many people actively seek out centre console motor boats for their sporty driving performance on the water. Remember, these are real ocean boats where driving characteristics often are highlighted.

Here are some of the of the things you should evaluate if you are actively searching for one:


Centre of gravity

Center console boats have a higher center of gravity compared to bowriders or daycruisers. The console and driver usually sit at a higher position. Test the drivers position and see how the boat feels.


By many referred to as speed boats, the speed ranges of these type of vessels varies from 15-20 knots and all the way up to 60-70 knots. Normally the top speed of these types of motor boats are around 35-40 knots.

Equipment in the centre console motorboat – what should you emphasize?

Windscreen and canopy

Centre console motorboats have less windscreen and passenger shielding compared to daycruisers and bowriders, but there are significant differences among them.

Place yourself in the driver's seat and try out how it feels like. Check the view, wind protection, and comfort. Different boat brands have different design solutions, so it's worth taking the time to check them out properly.

  • Some centre console speedboats come with a sprayhood, which is useful when it starts raining suddenly or when the weather gets rough. Some centre consoles also have a full canopy, its a good idea to check this thoroughly.
  • Sprayhoods are fairly easy to assemble, but its a good ídea to check this when you are evaluating several models.
  • The sprayhood can make a motorboat usable in any weather, not just nice weather.


T-top/ T-top boat

The T-top has increased in popularity due to it´s effect on the versatility of the boat. A boat with t-top can facilitate a full-fletched canopy as well as providing sunshade during hot summer days. In this way, the T-top improves the comfort level onboard whether you cruise around in the Medeterranian summer or spend time on the Norwegian coastline during fall.

An advice is to carefully study the T-Top solution of the boat you are assessing, to check if it provides what you demand from it.


Space in the bow

  • Locate the sunbed and see if it fits your requirements. Is it according to your needs and how you would use it?
  • How is the deck space used in the bow section, cockpit and aft cockpit? Is it easy to get from bow to stern easilly? And how are the storage compartments placed?


Storage compartments

  • How many compartments for storage does the boat have? Is it easy to use them?
  • Is the boat equipped with a mini cabin/cuddy cabin or a cabin? This is a great spot for storing bags. It helps to keep the deck neat and tidy throughout the entire journey.
  • Storage of fenders: Many centre console motorboats have smart storage areas for fenders. Think about the practical use, especially if you maneuver the vessel alone.


Electricity and outlets

  • Verify whether the motorboat has 12V outlets and determine their locations. Ask yourself the simple question: where do I need to charge my phones and does the motorboat at hand meet my requirements?
  • Some motorboats have two batteries, one for extra power. This battery is primarilly for 12V outlets, fridge, lights, navigation and stereo. This feature is helpful for a day cruising at sea when the engine is not running. It guarantees that your start battery always remains fully charged.


Windshielding in a centre console motorboat

Some centre console boats are delivered with sprayhoods and full canopies, which can be a very good solution when the weather is rough.

The sprayhood is in most cases easy to fit, but a good advice is to test the sprayhood solutions on the boat you are evaluating. A sprayhood can be one of the major differences between a centre console boat being used roundyear or just as a typical summer boat.

Good luck in your search for a top centre console boat.

Centre console boats from Nordkapp